August 19, lunch. Buffet at India Oven (Tucson). Miscellaneous gloppy stuff which were mostly good.

August 19, lunch. More gloppy stuff from India Oven. Generally good.

August 19, pre-dinner snack. Some apricots, dried. No Manchego.

August 19, dinner. Leftover ribs, cole slaw, and excellent figs. Woo hoo! My ribs rule. If I say so myself, which of course only I would.

August 19, dessert. Sorbetto di limone. In a happy cat bowl.

August 20, breakfast. The usual. And you can see that vitamin lurking in the background, refusing to give up.

August 20, late lunch. La Salsa Grill shrimp burrito. Not bad. Not great, but not bad, especially for a chain. The salsa gimmick, though, is tiring. They're just not that interesting.

August 20, dinner. Leftover ribs, leftover grilled asparagus. Yum.

August 21, breakfast. The usual.

August 21, lunch. At Saigon Cafe. Some pork bits. Very tasty.

August 21, dinner. At home. A green things and pork dish I made up which was very not good. On top of this little Sardinian pasta which is good.

August 21, dessert. Sorbetto di Limone. Ahhhh. It's hot out. This is good.

August 22, breakfast. The usual.

August 22, dinner. At Zemam's with Rose and Mark. Plus plenty of Cliquot.

August 22, dessert. After Zemam's, at Rose & Mark's, cheese. Yum.

August 23, breakfast. The usual.

August 23, lunch. Chicken sandwich with tarragon mayo and bacon, grilled. Potato salad and iced tea. With Jan at Baggins in Tucson.

August 23, dinner. At Sonic Drivein in Tucson near the Grant Road movie theater. Burger, shake. This place is so bad that they had Domino's delivering pizza to the people who work there while we were eating. I kid you not. And it's not like Domino's is great pizza either. Later, we saw The Dark Knight.

August 24, breakfast. The usual.

August 24, snack. A chocolate turtle from Jan's mom.

August 24, lunch. Two shrimp tacos at Rubio's in Tucson, with Jan. Not bad for chain food.

August 24, dinner. Sunday dinner with Jan and Dale, at Acacia, in Tucson. This was a Gazpacho, but served in a martini glass with some other stuff floating on it. Quite good.

August 24, dinner. At Acacia, in Tucson, with Jan and Dale. Lamb chops. Mmm.

August 24, dinner. Acacia. Caffè macchiato.

August 25, breakfast. The usual.

August 25, lunch. A salad, at home. Salsicce, olives, cheese, tomatos.

August 25, dinner. I made rib-eye steaks (from Niman's Ranch, had to use them up so they wouldn't sit in the freezer forever), with mushroom sauce and green beans braised in tomato sauce. Even so, the beans were tough.

August 26, breakfast. The usual.

August 26, lunch. At Taco Bron's, with Jan. Chips, beans, and salsa.

August 26, lunch. Tacos El Gobernador (shrimp, cheese, jalapeño) at Taco Bron in Tucson with Jan.