Oct 3, dinner. A salad. More arugula, but this time from Jan's garden. Also, Portuguese Chicken Adobo Jan made with crisped shallots on top. Wow tasty good! At home.

Oct 4, breakfast. The usual, plus a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.

Oct 4, lunch. At Santa Catalina Villas with Mom and Jan. A cheeseburger with swiss and mushrooms, lettuce, catsup (no tomato for some reason we couldn't figure out) and two onion rings.

Oct 4, dinner. General picnic in the park, watching Hamlet, with Jan and Bonnie. Olives, hummus, vegetables, epoisses cheese, Sonoma dry jack, manchego (with apricots, of course), fresh fruit, and a really really awful mushroom tapenade. Like really awful. Himmel Park, Tucson.

Oct 4, dinner. General picnic in the park, watching Hamlet, with Jan and Bonnie. Yes, that's a portable cheese board with four knives built-in to the bottom. You got a problem with that?

Oct 5, lunch. Two packets of peanuts aboard flight from TUS to SLC. Sigh. On the airline diet for another 24 hours.

Oct 5, dinner. Aboard flight Atlanta to Paris. Usual flight food of usual flight food quality.

Oct 5, dinner. Aboard Delta flight Atlanta to Paris. I have NO idea why they sprinkled the same salty cheese on top of everything, but they did, and so of course it all tasted kind-of the same. The salad at the top was a travesty, and the beet thing on the right was miserable--ruined beets. On the left was something that was supposed to be tuna and beans and it was OK.

Oct 5, dinner. Cheese and fruit plate. Cold cheese of indifferent quality.

Oct 6, breakfast. In Paris. Cappuccino. CDG airport.

Oct 6, lunch. I bought this sandwich in a shop in the CDG airport. What's really astonishing is that on the flight, I got almost exactly the same sandwich. This one was ham and cheese and was of low-average quality. After I had picked out the sandwich, I saw that they had fresh slices of quiche that i could have had instead. My mistake.

Oct 6, lunch. Flight from Paris to Geneva. Brie & butter (who thought of this?) sandwich and a club soda. Air France, way to go. I think.

Oct 7, breakfast. At my hotel in Geneva, the La Colombiere. Really good cheese, good ham, cappuccino of average quality and bread. But the cheese was really, really good. You don't get a Comte like that in the US as far as I can tell.

Oct 7, snack. Espresso. At the ICC bar in Geneva.

Oct 7, lunch. At the DuPont cafeteria in Geneva. Tenderloin (ok, but not the best), spatzle (they're spatzle, what do you expect?), and a berry sauce. All together, fine, but a bit heavy for lunch.

Oct 7, snack. Espresso and a little baby dark chocolate Toblerone.

Oct 7, dinner. A sandwich I bought from a gas station on the way to my hotel, and a bottle of Pellegrino. At my hotel in Geneva. Plus, some of that Frigor in the back. The Frigor (a Callier chocolate which is not available in the US) is really a tremendous chocolate, and this was Frigor Noir, which was dark tremendous chocolate, making it all worthwhile.

Oct 8, breakfast. Orange juice, and a cappuccino. At the La Colombiere in Geneva.

Oct 8, more breakfast. Really good cheese, ham, and some bread.

October 8, morning snack. Some nice chocolate.

October 8, lunch. From the cafeteria in the DuPont building in Geneva. Plaice, potatoes, and a bit of sauce. The mustard is my addition. Quite good for cafeteria food.

Oct 8, snack. Coffee and chocolate.

October 8, dinner. At Lucio and Donatella Pascarelli's house, with Daniel and Anne-Marie Buzatu. These sausages (part of the appetizer) are from a pig that Lucio's family buys "whole" to be made into parts. He calls it his pandemic supply. It was really tasty.

Oct 8, dinner. At Lucio & Donatella's, with Daniel and Anne-Marie. Spaghetti all'Amatriciana, made Lucio-style. Unfortunately, he has a tough time finding the right ingredients (for example, no guanciale) but it was still very good.

Oct 8, dinner. At Lucio's. Lamb chops, with a bit of rosemary and olive oil and some pan sauce, plus a pepper dish, served very cold, which was quite interesting. He made the pepper dish in this amazing blender/cooker, then chilled it.

Oct 8, dessert. Tozetti and Vin Santo.

Oct 8, dinner. Caffè. At Lucio's. The end of a truly amazingly good meal.

Oct 9, breakfast. At the La Colombiere, in Geneva. Same old, same old, but still just as good on the cheese.

Oct 9, lunch. At the cafeteria, a salad from the salad bar. Nothing special.

Oct 9, dinner. A Pizza Pescatore at the Alla Colombiere restaurant in Geneva. Really, seafood pizza just doesn't work. And these guys made too tough of a crust. So I have to give this a thumbs down. However, each of the bits of seafood was, by itself, tasty. LOTS of little bay shrimp, plus that one big one, some clams, squid, mussel. A bad combination, but really just a conceptual problem rather than an implementation one.