Sept 21, lunch. Aboard Delta flight from Rome to Atlanta. A Caprese salad (not bad, actually, for airline food), some Serrano ham and celery remoulade (good, but you can't screw up Serrano ham, can you?), and hummus with 'carmelized onions' that weren't on vegetable chips. Not good. Very not good.

Sept 21, lunch. Cheese and fruit plate. Wonderful wonderful grapes, some nice strawberries, and good cheese. The cheese plate on the Italian side is a lot better than the one from the US side. Why is that?

Sept 21, snack. A chocolate chip cookie. (Jan had the other one). Aboard Delta flight Rome to Atlanta.

Sept 21, dinner. Chicken sandwich with a GOOD hot sauce in it (astonishing!), limp poor salad, and packaged brownie thing the less of which I write the better off the world will be.

Sept 22, breakfast. Raging Sage iced cappuccino and a cherry scone.

Sept 22, lunch. At Rosa's in Tucson, with Jan. Three carne seca enchiladas, rice, and beans. Excellent!

Sept 22, dinner. At Santa Catalina Villas dining room (with Mom and Jan). Salad.

Sept 22, dinner. Chicken something or another, artichokes (good!), rice. With Mom and Jan at Santa Catalina Villas dining room.

Sept 22, dessert. One scoop of coffee ice cream.

Sept 23, breakfast. A cappuccino from Ike's at the Tucson Airport. Awful.

Sept 23, lunch. This is what you get at IT Roadmaps, something just one half-step above inedible. This is a ham sandwich (not sure what kind of ham other than "bad ham"), chips, an enormous cookie, an apple, and packets of goop to make the sandwich taste "better." Dallas, Texas. You could do a lot better. Or skip that crap.

Sept 23, dinner. At DFW airport. The terminal I'm in doesn't appear to have food, so I eat a chicken (fried) sandwich and fries as a substitute. Where is the Dickey's BBQ? Not in this terminal, for sure... KFC: Kentucky Frickin' Crap.

Sept 24, breakfast. The usual.

Sept 24, lunch. Half of a #12 from Nico's (the Carnitas Pork plate, which has carnitas pork, guacamole, rice, beans, lettuce, tomato, salsa, tortillas) All very tasty, with Jan, at Nicos on the way to the airport.

Sept 24, dinner, Continental Airlines Style: a ham sandwich (not overly objectionable), carrots, and some club soda.

Sept 25, breakfast. A cup of coffee. Cleveland Airport Crowne Plaza.

Sept 25, lunch. Deli platter from Cleveland Airport Crowne Plaza. Those are AMERICAN cold cuts and AMERICAN cheeses and an AMERICAN Coke, darn you.

Sept 25, snack. On way home, in the President's Club in Cleveland. Miscellaneous packaged food crap and a glass of white wine. Why am I fat? This is why I am fat.

Sept 25, late lunch. That same sandwich on Continental Airlines flight to Houston (from Cleveland). But this time with a glass of white wine.

Sept 25, dinner. You might ask: "Joel, where is the WORST BBQ in North America?" The answer is simple: Caritas Ranch in the Houston Airport. Surly uncommunicative staff begin the lovely experience of the worst BBQ, cole slaw, and potato salad in the country. It's amazing.

Sept 25, snack. The BBQ was so bad that I threw more bad calories after it by consuming a frozen dairy thing vaguely resembling ice cream but not really. I can't believe it's Yogurt? I can't believe they have the nerve to charge food tax on this. This should be taxed at the same rate as construction supplies.

Sept 26, breakfast. The usual. Wonderful to be home.

Sept 26, snack. Some little beef bits. Tasty.

Sept 26, lunch. At Taco Bron, a #1 with Tacos El Gobernador (shrimp). Wonderful. Really wonderful. These have more jalapeƱo in them than are normal, which is fine with me.

Sept 26, dinner. Cheese, olives, sausage. At home with Jan.

Sept 27, breakfast. The usual.

Sept 27, snack. Some bits of sausage.

Sept 27, dinner. At Athens on 4th Avenue with Jan, Don, and Barbara. We wanted to go to the Greek festival around the corner at the Greek church, but the line was too long, so we went to Athens instead. Great food, nice service even though it was CROWDED. This was the appetizer, a general plate; I had 1/4 of it.

Sept 27, dinner. Sweetbreads, rice with sauce, some salad. Very tasty; it's amazing how easy it is to make a great meal out of sweetbreads. You'd think more people would try it, but that whole "organ meat" thing seems to put folks off. It's not even an organ. It's a gland. Which, I guess, is a kind of organ. Or something. In Tucson at Athens on 4th Avenue with Don and Barbara.

Sept 28, breakfast.