November 11, breakfast. The usual.

November 11, lunch. At Mr. K's Bar-B-Q in Tucson with Jan, Face. The combo plate, which includes a rib or two, some brisket, and hot sausage link. Sides include beans & greens, plus a cornbread muffin. This is the best BBQ in Tucson, Arizona, by far.


November 12, breakfast. The usual.

November 12, second breakfast. Aboard Delta flight from Tucson to Atlanta. Bagel and fruit. I didn't eat the cereal, milk, or bad yogurt.

November 12, lunch. A cheesesteak with peppers, onions, lettuce, and tomato. At the Grilled Subs place in Atlanta airport. Who knew that "Grilled Subs" meant "Cheesesteaks?" In any case, it wasn't bad and it was fresh-made right there. Can't complain. Especially for airport food!

November 12, snack. A "JavaKula," whatever that is. I think it's a Frappuccino, but not made by Starbucks. Was as bad as one might imagine. Seattle's Best Coffee in Atlanta Airport after finding out my flight was delayed yet again.

November 12, dinner. Aboard flight Atlanta to NYC. A pizza of uncertain origin and a salad plus some decidedly not New York style cheesecake. No surprise.

November 12, snack. Fried things from the Embassy Suites Financial Center in Manhattan. It's free. It's loud. It's the worse Embassy Suites food in the world. I think. Haven't tried them all.

November 13, breakfast. Bad coffee and pink juice of uncertain fruit origin. Embassy Suites, New York Financial Center.

November 13, breakfast. Berries. Outstanding wonderful fresh berries! At the Embassy Suites, New York Financial Center.

November 13, lunch. Some tuna salad, something that was supposed to be a Caprese but wasn't, and two pieces of cheddar cheese. Embassy Suites, New York Financial Center

November 13, snack. A Coke.

November 13, dinner. At Eighty One (45 West 81st Street) in New York, with Hal Pollenz. Starting with a roll. Undistinguished but a good start.

November 13, dinner. Amuse bouche of parsnip soup with a walnut served in a shot glass. At EightyOne with Hal. Good.

November 13, dinner. At EightyOne with Hal. These are little ravioli stuffed with cheese, sitting atop greens and artichokes with little chanterelle mushroom chips (wow!) on top. A very good start.

November 13, dinner. At EighyOne in New York with Hal. Lamb. In the middle is a potato of some sort, whatever. Top and bottom are pieces of a lamb loin. I am guessing cooked sous vide and them finished before serving. On the left: hooga! lamb "ribs" with BBQ sauce. Very well done. Wanted more ribs!!!

November 13, dinner. At EighyOne in New York with Hal. And some wine. A Williams Pino.

November 13, dessert. At EightyOne with Hal. Cheese course. Not the best selection of cheese. Not bad, but could have had a broader range of more interesting choices.

November 13, dinner. Petits fours. Each different with a wonderful name but by then I was too drunk to remember or write them down. Damn. At EightyOne with Hal. Overall verdict: good all the way around! Service excellent, food as well.

November 14, breakfast. Cup of mediocre coffee and a muffin at the Crown Room in La Guardia airport.

November 14, lunch. Aboard Delta flight from Atlanta to Tucson. Positively weird sandwich "turkey caprese" (anything with mozzarella cheese nowadays is called "Caprese") and some grilled vegetables. The vegetable were actually good, but very unusual for a plane flight.

November 14, dinner. At Pho 88 with Jan in Tucson. A bowl of shrimp pho, with fresh basil (Thai basil, of course), sprouts, chiles, and limes, and a beer. Mmmmmm....

November 15, breakfast. Tortilla crisis. Bad Joel, bad Joel. Plus the usual and some grapefruit juice.

November 15, lunch. At Baggins, a cheese steak, and a chocolate chip cooie.

November 16, breakfast. The usual. Plus grapefruit juice.

November 16, breakfast. In Continental Club in LAX airport. A bagel, toasted, and butter. There was no cream cheese. The bagel was not so great either, but honestly not bad.

November 16, breakfast. At Jim and Heather's place, although Jim was in Minneapolis. Evil Bacon made by Michelle, although she wasn't there either. And delicious fresh fruit. With Heather, Claire, and Craig. I didn't eat all that fruit, but I did eat all the bacon.

November 16, snack. A gluten-free chocolate cookie, made by Michelle for Heather. On Casa Bona.

November 16, snack. A truffle at the Scharfen Berfer store at the Ferry Pier in San Francisco. With Claire and Heather and Craig. Mexican Chocolate. Mmmmmm..... Joseph Schmidt truffles.