December 26, dessert. A Barbara Ann bomb and Karen's eye. I did not actually eat Karen's eye.

December 27, breakfast. The usual.

December 27, lunch. Prime rib sandwich, tomato, lettuce, horseradish sauce, on toast. Great way to use leftover prime rib.

December 27, dinner. At El Torero in South Tucson. We wanted to go to Zemam's, but there was an hour wait, and James (see across table) wasn't going to sit still for that. Started with a cheese crisp, a traditional "big meal" starter at most Tucson Mexican restaurants. Cheese, tortilla, oven, boom, you're done.

December 27, dinner. Chips and salsa.

December 27, dinner. Turkey mole. I swear, it looks bad, but it's good. At El Torero with San Diego Trumbos, Jan and Dale.

December 28, breakfast. The usual, plus a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice from Jan's trees.

December 28, second breakfast. Some turkey sausage from Barbara's pile-o-sausage.

December 28, lunch. Prime rib sandwich. Tomato, lettuce (from Jan's garden), horseradish sauce. Toast. Tasty.

December 28, dinner. At Don and Barbara's. Ham, squash, leftover Brussel's sprouts, new mashed potatoes (Barbara

December 28, dessert. One Barbara-Ann Bomb.

December 28, dessert. Chocolate Turtle Pie at Barbara and Don's. With the family (Don, Barbara, Jan, Dale) in the post-Christmas rush.

December 29, breakfast. The usual, and a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice from Jan's trees.

December 29, dinner. Joel's home-made turkey rice soup, along with some grated Parmesan cheese. Good for a cold night!

December 29, dessert. Penn State Creamery Ice Cream. WPSU Coffee Break, the best.

December 30, breakfast. The usual, plus a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.

December 30, snack. A Dove chocolate. Who put these in my stocking this Christmas? Evil person, evil, evil!

December 30, lunch. At Beyond Bread, a piece of bread-and-butter. They have a pile of bread scraps and tubs of butter at the point where you are waiting in line to give your order. It's crazy, because you get your scrap just moments before you put your order in, which you do with your mouth full. You should get it when you get in, so you have something to nosh before you get to the head of the line. But then mabe you wouldn't be hungry, and you'd order less. I don't know. But I ate the bread anyway.

December 30, lunch. A half of a Reuben sandwich at Beyond Bread with Jan and Mom. Really good!

December 30, snack. A bit of Tortuga Rum Cake at Mom's house with Jan and Mom.

December 30, dinner. Joel's Turkey Rice soup and some fresh bread from Beyond Bread. Parmesan of course. Porque No Zinfandel. All wonderful. With Jan at home.

December 30, dessert. Penn State Creamery Ice Cream. Death By Chocolate. Wow.

December 31, breakfast. The year ends, as it began, with an iced cappuccino. And, of course, a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice from Jan's trees.

December 31, lunch. Half of a #12 at Nico's: Carnitas Pork, rice, breams, salsa, guacamole, and hot hot hot tortillas. With Jan.

December 31, snack. A piece of See's Candy.

December 31, dinner. My home-made posole. This is a two-day operation: one for stock, one for the soup, but it is fantastic. With radishes, onions, cilantro, and cabbage. Barbara's buttermilk biscuit, and a glass of 1999 (party like it's?) BV Private Reserve.

December 31, dessert. One of our home-made chocolate almond clusters, Don's Birthday Present.