November 16, dinner. At Aqua in San Francisco, with Craig, Michelle, Heather, and Claire. A fish restaurant near the piers. Normally, no access for informally dressed people but during an economic downturn and at 7:30 on a Sunday night... No problem!

November 16, dinner. At Aqua in San Francisoc. A little pre-appetizer appetizer of fish soup, a salmon croquette, and halibut (I think) salad. Adorable. And tasty.

November 16, dinner. Tuna Tartare. Whoa, this was good. It is served like this, and then the waiter mixes everything up to form a single mass. A bit of quail egg on the top, plus almonds, garlic, moroccan spices, lemon confit (wow), herbs, and harissa. Very, very nice spicy touch. Outstanding dish and worth the effort. If you only go there for one thing, get this.

November 16, dinner. Beausoleil oysters. There is a preparation they put in them, including kimchi , cilantro, and ichimi pepper, which was a total lose. They should have been just oysters. I don't think that they added anything; in fact, the ingredients just masked the taste of the oysters. Bad choice.

November 16, dinner. Appetizer.

November 16, dinner. White sturgeon and veal cheek "bourguignon." With potato mousseline, bacon, and truffle jus. Very good, very very good.

November 16, cheese course. Robiola, Salers (from Auvergne), and Fourme d'Ambert (also from Auvergne). Good combination.

November 16, dessert. Petits fours. I had the fish.

November 16, dessert. My fish.

November 16, dinner. Espresso.

November 17, breakfast. A scone and cappuccino from a Peets in downtown San Francisco, on the way to Moscone.

November 18, breakfast. The usual, and fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice from Jan.

November 18, lunch. Salad of fresh greens from the garden, salame, and cheese bread from Christine.

November 18, chicken mole. With jan at the Crossroads in South Tucson. Mmmmmm. Molè. Good. And not a huge oversized portion either, thank goodness!

November 19, breakfast. The usual, plus Jan's fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice.

November 19, lunch. Carne seca enchiladas at Rosa's.

November 19, dinner. Pizza at Don and Barbara's.

November 19, dinner. A spinach leaf salad with avocados. They're getting cheap, which they often do this time of year. Guacamole, here I come!

November 20, breakfast. The usual, plus a glass of fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice, and a piece of a tortilla. I am continuing to try and make progress, tortilla-wise. This one was not bad. But I need help.

November 20, lunch. #12 Carnitas plate from Nico's. With Jan.

November 20, dinner. Bowl of chicken soup and some Opus One 2000. Good, both of 'em.

November 20, dessert. A Joseph Schmidt Truffle.

November 21, breakfast. The usual.

November 21, lunch. A grilled Mahi burrito and three salsas, from Rubio's in Tucson. With Jan.

November 22, breakfast. The usual.

November 22, lunch. At Cafè Poca Cosa with Shanna Leonard and Chris DeYoung. Chicken with chile sauce.

November 22, appetizer. Heitz 1994 Martha's Vineyard. Yummy.

November 22, dinner. Jan's Turkey Meatloaf and Joel's butter braised Brussel's sprouts.

November 23, breakfast. The usual.

November 23, lunch. Tuna salad at home in Tucson with Jan, fresh greens and peppers from the garden.