August 31, dessert. At Enoteca in Todi. A bit of chocolate cake. Very nice. Not dry at all.

Sept 1, breakfast. Grapefruit juice, some fresh black figs from the tree outside, a bit of bread, and a cappuccino. At Colle delle Querce with Jan.

Sept 1, lunch. Huge caprese salad (Volpetti mozzarella di bufala, tomatoes and basil from the garden). At Colle delle Querce with Jan, Ellen, Carlo

Sept 1, lunch. A bit of porchetta from Budelli's.

Sept 1, lunch. A fresh fig. From the trees at Colle delle Querce

Sept 1, appetizer. Some pretzel sticks over at Ellen & Carlo's house, although Carlo was gone.

Sept 1, dinner. Linguine with tartufo sauce, mixed salad, some bread. On the porch at Ellen's house with Jan and Ellen.

Sept 2, lunch. Some figs and melone wrapped in prosciutto. This was from the alimentari in Ponte Rio, hand-cut, prosciutto di parma.

Sept 2, lunch. A slice of aged pecorino cheese.

Sept 2, dinner. At Le Scalette in Todi with Jan. Started with crostini (I ate half of each) of pomodoro/basilico, aglio/olio, tartufo, e fegato.

Sept 2, dinner. Tagliatelle with Cinghiale sauce at Le Scalette in Todi. With Jan. Really good. As in wonderful. For a trattoria.

Sept 2, dessert. Lemon Sorbet. With Jan.

Sept 3, breakfast. Grapefruit juice, cappuccino. At Colle delle Querce with Jan.

Sept 3, lunch. A salad of tuna, cheese, olives, and garden-fresh tomatoes and lettuce. Oil and vinegar. With Jan, at Colle delle Querce.

Sept 3, lunch. A slice of watermelon.

Sept 3, lunch. A cookie, chocolate, with dark chocolate cream inside. Called "Togo" on the bag.

Sept 3, late afternoon snack. A white peach. Not perfect.

Sept 8, dinner. At Pane e Vino in Todi, a bit of roasted duck. With Jan, Craig and Eileen, Ellen and Daisy. Wonderfully done. Not just duck, but stuffed with duck parts and rolled into a loaf. Boneless, and a delicious jus.

Sept 8, dessert. One spoonful of the chocolate mousse from Pane e Vino.

Sept 3, dinner. Fresh figs wrapped with prosciutto. With Jan at Colle delle Querce.

Sept 3, dinner. Bucatini alla Amatriciana. I made this, and it was very good. I did not use guanciale (this is somehow contraindicated in the summer in Umbria) but a very strongly cured pancetta (not one of those rolled ones but a dry cured piece of belly fat).

Sept 3, dinner. Salad of garden fresh lettuce and tomatoes. We didn't bother to change the bowls.

Sept 4, breakfast. Two fresh black figs, grapefruit juice, and a cappuccino.

Sept 4, lunch. At Ciro in Torgiano. The "Menu Veloce," which had a tortelli in salsa rosa (with Jan), plus a secondo and a contorno or dolce. Outstanding for 11 Euros a person.

Sept 4, lunch. At Ciro with Jan in Torgiano. A pork chop and some boiled spinach.

Sept 4, lunch dessert. At the "Sandy" bar in Torgiano. Lemon Sorbet. With Jan.

Sept 4, dinner. At the 1st Festa of Formaggio in Todi. This was a cheese plate from Caseficio Montecristo. They didn't, however, say which cheese was what. But they were all good, except for the mozarella balls rolled in paprika, which were not.

Sept 4, dinner. Alas. Not good pasta. This was strangozzi with speck. I had ordered sugo d'oca, but they were sold out, so they had this. Purtroppo, this sauce does not "sit" well, especially on a plastic plate, and it was awful by the time we got it. You CAN get bad Pasta in Italy.

Sept 4, dinner. The secondo (sold out oca arrosto, but had salssice and patate fritte instead, along with torta di testa) from the festa di formaggio in Todi. With Jan. Tasty.

Sept 5, breakfast. A fresh black fig, grapefruit juice, and cappuccino.